River of Blood
Imam Mahdi, may Allah (SWT) hasten his reappearance, in ziyarat nahiyya says:
Fala'andubannaka šabāħan wa masā'ā,
wa la'abkiyanna laka badalad-dumūi damā
So I will weep for you morning and evening
And I will keep crying for you, until I cry tears of blood
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alabni khātamil anbiyā',
assalāmu alabni fāţimaz-zahrā'
assalāmu alā manil ijābatu taħta qubbatih,
assalāmu alā man jaalal-lāhush-shifā'a fī turbatih
1. The son of the Prophet, the high and the holy,
The loved one of Zahra, the purest of ladies
His blessings are infinite, there is no one like him
If you stand beneath his dome, your prayers are guaranteed
His status is so great, and his blood is so pure
The dust from beside his grave, for all ailments is a cure
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alā gharībil ghurabā'
assalāmu alā shahīdish-shuhadā
assalāmu alal murrammali bid-dimā',
assalāmu alā man bakat-hu malā'ikatus-samā'
2. When I stand in Karbala, I just see a lonely man
Who stands covered in blood, a sword clutched in his hand
He stares at his loved ones, who lay lifeless on the sands
He knows that the enemies, will soon loot his caravan,
The angels are weeping, whilst watching him in pain
The heavens are ringing, with cries of "Hussain, Hussain"
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alar-ru'ūsil mushālāt
assalāmu alan-niswatil bārizāt
assalāmu alal madfūnīna bilā 'akfān
assalāmu alar-ru'ūsil muffarraqati anil 'abdān
3. May God bless the martyrs, who gave their lives for you
Whose parched lips were thirsty, they were covered in wounds
Even Ali asghar, was murdered in plain view
Who stared at the arrow, and only let out a coo
Their heads all were severed, and raised high upon spears
Their ladies were dragged in chains, without veils and in tears
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alal mughassali bidamil jirāħ,
assalāmu alal mujarrai bika'sātir-rimāħ
assalāmu alash-shaybil khađhīb
assalāmu alal khaddit-tarīb
4. The skies all become dark, with spears and arrows
He falls from his horse as, the blood from his veins flows
His cheeks strike upon the dust, surrounded by shadows
His grey hair is dyed with blood, as they butcher him with blows
He lay with no helper, to save him from danger
His unshrouded body, was buried by strangers
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alayka fa'innī qašadtu 'ilayk,
wa rajawtul fawza ladayk,
salāmal mafjūil ħazīn,
5. The angels are circling, your shrine and the place you lay
I pray that I get the chance, to visit your holy grave
My breaths choke in my throat, when I think of your fate
I wish I had been there, to save you on that day
So I will lament you, for the rest of my life
But the water from my eyes, will run out every night
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
qad rashaħa lil mawti jabīnuk
wakhtalafat bil inqibāđhi wal inbisāţi shimāluka wa yamīnuk,
tudīru ţarfan khafiyyan 'ilā raħlika wa baytik,
wa qad shughilta binafsika an wuldika wa 'ahālīk,
6. You were drowning in grief, and thirsty for three days
And yet you were patient, as the angels sang your praise
The enemies threw stones, until you fell on the plains
You clenched and unclenched your hands, they circled you like prey
You looked towards Zainab, as they ran to kill you
With tears in your eyes, knowing what she'll go through
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
wash-shimru jālisun alā šadrik
wa mūlighon sayfahu alā naħrik
qābiđhun alā shaybatika biyadih
dhābiħun laka bimuhannadih
7. The ladies rushed to you, on your chest was shimar
A red carpet of blood, the air filled with laughter
Your vision was fading, as your breaths were shallower
Your eyes fixed on Zainab, As they closed forever
Your head raised upon a spear, as your tents were set aflame
The women and children, were calling Abbas' name
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
wa subiya 'ahluka kal abīd, wa šuffidū fil ħadīdi fawqa 'aqtābil maţiyyāt
talfaħu wujūhahum ħarrul hājirāt
aydīhim maghlūlatun 'ilal 'anāq
yuţāfu bihim fil 'aswāq
8. The ladies were looted, and dragged through the wastelands
From one market to the next, with chains binding their hands
The sun burnt the bodies, of this pure caravan
The hooves crushed the children, that fell down upon the sands
With no covering or veil, they were all paraded
They were hit with fire and stones, and they were degraded
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
Fala'andubannaka šabāħan wa masā'ā,
wa la'abkiyanna laka badalad-dumūi damā
So I will weep for you morning and evening
And I will keep crying for you, until I cry tears of blood
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alabni khātamil anbiyā',
assalāmu alabni fāţimaz-zahrā'
assalāmu alā manil ijābatu taħta qubbatih,
assalāmu alā man jaalal-lāhush-shifā'a fī turbatih
1. The son of the Prophet, the high and the holy,
The loved one of Zahra, the purest of ladies
His blessings are infinite, there is no one like him
If you stand beneath his dome, your prayers are guaranteed
His status is so great, and his blood is so pure
The dust from beside his grave, for all ailments is a cure
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alā gharībil ghurabā'
assalāmu alā shahīdish-shuhadā
assalāmu alal murrammali bid-dimā',
assalāmu alā man bakat-hu malā'ikatus-samā'
2. When I stand in Karbala, I just see a lonely man
Who stands covered in blood, a sword clutched in his hand
He stares at his loved ones, who lay lifeless on the sands
He knows that the enemies, will soon loot his caravan,
The angels are weeping, whilst watching him in pain
The heavens are ringing, with cries of "Hussain, Hussain"
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alar-ru'ūsil mushālāt
assalāmu alan-niswatil bārizāt
assalāmu alal madfūnīna bilā 'akfān
assalāmu alar-ru'ūsil muffarraqati anil 'abdān
3. May God bless the martyrs, who gave their lives for you
Whose parched lips were thirsty, they were covered in wounds
Even Ali asghar, was murdered in plain view
Who stared at the arrow, and only let out a coo
Their heads all were severed, and raised high upon spears
Their ladies were dragged in chains, without veils and in tears
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alal mughassali bidamil jirāħ,
assalāmu alal mujarrai bika'sātir-rimāħ
assalāmu alash-shaybil khađhīb
assalāmu alal khaddit-tarīb
4. The skies all become dark, with spears and arrows
He falls from his horse as, the blood from his veins flows
His cheeks strike upon the dust, surrounded by shadows
His grey hair is dyed with blood, as they butcher him with blows
He lay with no helper, to save him from danger
His unshrouded body, was buried by strangers
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
assalāmu alayka fa'innī qašadtu 'ilayk,
wa rajawtul fawza ladayk,
salāmal mafjūil ħazīn,
5. The angels are circling, your shrine and the place you lay
I pray that I get the chance, to visit your holy grave
My breaths choke in my throat, when I think of your fate
I wish I had been there, to save you on that day
So I will lament you, for the rest of my life
But the water from my eyes, will run out every night
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
qad rashaħa lil mawti jabīnuk
wakhtalafat bil inqibāđhi wal inbisāţi shimāluka wa yamīnuk,
tudīru ţarfan khafiyyan 'ilā raħlika wa baytik,
wa qad shughilta binafsika an wuldika wa 'ahālīk,
6. You were drowning in grief, and thirsty for three days
And yet you were patient, as the angels sang your praise
The enemies threw stones, until you fell on the plains
You clenched and unclenched your hands, they circled you like prey
You looked towards Zainab, as they ran to kill you
With tears in your eyes, knowing what she'll go through
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
wash-shimru jālisun alā šadrik
wa mūlighon sayfahu alā naħrik
qābiđhun alā shaybatika biyadih
dhābiħun laka bimuhannadih
7. The ladies rushed to you, on your chest was shimar
A red carpet of blood, the air filled with laughter
Your vision was fading, as your breaths were shallower
Your eyes fixed on Zainab, As they closed forever
Your head raised upon a spear, as your tents were set aflame
The women and children, were calling Abbas' name
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
wa subiya 'ahluka kal abīd, wa šuffidū fil ħadīdi fawqa 'aqtābil maţiyyāt
talfaħu wujūhahum ħarrul hājirāt
aydīhim maghlūlatun 'ilal 'anāq
yuţāfu bihim fil 'aswāq
8. The ladies were looted, and dragged through the wastelands
From one market to the next, with chains binding their hands
The sun burnt the bodies, of this pure caravan
The hooves crushed the children, that fell down upon the sands
With no covering or veil, they were all paraded
They were hit with fire and stones, and they were degraded
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
I see it so clearly, I feel all of his pain
Whenever I close my eyes I just see the head of Hussain
So I’m going to cry, a river of blood tonight
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